The Ministry of Education, on October 11, reviewed the National Education Quality Assurance and Standards Framework (NEQASF) to improve service delivery in learning institutions.
Education Cabinet Secretary, George Magoha, stated that the Framework will enhance learning outcomes based on evidence and good practice.
Magoha noted that over the years, the method of inspection of early learning and basic education institutions did not bring out any improvement in terms of quality learning outcomes, service delivery and the satisfaction of stakeholders.
“Inspection lacked harmonised standard quality assurance guidelines and tools, stakeholder involvement and participation in quality management processes, and was largely limited to diagnosis without helpful support for school improvement,” he stated.
The new framework will identify and combine tools in one comprehensive quality measurement package.
The framework introduces tools that will be used in self-school evaluation, peer reviews and external evaluation.
The new framework will be an ICT-enabled process, where all schools will be expected to participate.
The process will be based on the existing National Education Management Information System (NEMIS), where each school will upload its annual self-assessment and peer review assessment.
According to the ministry, the new framework will help improve the new established education reforms and Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).
The framework calls for the need to institutionalise standards of quality to the level being understood by learners, assessors and other stakeholders.
Under the framework, learners should be able to demonstrate values and skills by the end of Early Years Education (EYE).
The outcomes expected after the end of the Early Years Education include; demonstrating basic literacy and numeracy skills for learning communicate appropriately using verbal and non-verbal modes in a variety of contexts, apply creativity and critical thinking in problem solving as well as applying digital literacy skills for learning and enjoyment.